Your registration includes access to all tracks and sessions. This year's conference agenda also includes a new on-demand library that provides the benefit of material, background and informational sessions that build on each other, in preparation for participation in the actual conference.
You will have the convenience to review the sessions provided in the on-demand library, days in advance of the conference, as well as the flexibility to review the on-demand online library in advance of the conference dates.
Keynote Sessions
The Keynote Speakers at this year’s virtual event will discuss a variety of different topics ranging from the discovery of ACE2, broad immune response to CKD/ESKD, cardiovascular and kidney disease consolidation, to living donation and telemedicine in the time of COVID-19. Keynote presenters span the globe, from the Josef Penninger, MD in Vancouver, British Columbia to Matthias Girndt, MD in Germany along with Drs. Mark Sarnak from Tufts University in Boston and Dr. Siqin Ye from Columbia University in New York. The presentations selected by our scientific planning committee showcases the multitude of issues facing our patients every day.
Plenary Sessions
The Plenary Sessions are designed so that as a community, we could all come together on topics such as Global trends in peritoneal dialysis and vascular access in the 21st century and discuss beyond just physicians or nurses, but as a combined healthcare unit, the issues facing all of our patients. These sessions help continue the overall dialogue of treatments and methodology across the world. Having a panel of guests speakers to talk to their specific experience as well as listening to others, we could commensurate and encourage growth in the clinical and bedside practices that makes a difference to the many patients we interact with on a daily basis.
Three Track Sessions
The theme of the meeting is current clinical issues involving kidney healthcare providers with an emphasis on technological and therapeutic advances affecting patient care. This conference is for all professionals interested in the challenges and opportunities facing the kidney disease community.